Students are sought to complete their PhD in High Energy Astroparticle Physics or Electronic Engineering.
There are two vacancies available for candidates, one for each degree, to be carried out jointly (double degrees) between the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Those selected will work on topics related to the Pierre Auger Observatory and the QUBIC Observatory, and are expected to spend at least one third of their time at the foreign institution (as part of a joint program between UNSAM and KIT).
REQUIREMENTS: have a degree in physics, engineering, astronomy or mathematics at the time of starting the scholarship.
Please submit your resume, relevant information, and the email addresses of two references, all in one PDF file, by August 12, 2024.
Dr. Alberto Etchegoyen, ITeDA –
Dr. Federico Sánchez –
Dr. Anibal Gattone –
Dr. Manuel Platino –
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